Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Growth without jobs?

Draghi on 6/3:

" the first quarter of 2015, real GDP in the euro area rose by 0.4%, quarter on quarter, after 0.3% in the last quarter of 2014. In recent quarters, domestic demand and, particularly, private consumption were the main drivers behind the ongoing recovery."

Unemployment statistics from Eurostat (April, 2015) .Data up to April 2015.

"The youth unemployment rate in the EU-28 was more than double the overall unemployment rate in 2013. At 23.4 %, more than one out of every five young persons in the labour force was not employed, but looking and available for a job. In the euro area, the youth unemployment rate was even higher at 24.0 %. The unemployment rate among young persons was higher than the rate for those aged between 25 and 74 in all Member States. In Greece (58.3 %), Spain (55.5 %), Croatia (49.7 %), Italy (40.0 %), Cyprus (38.9 %), Portugal (37.7 %) and Slovakia (33.7 %) youth unemployment rates were particularly high. Germany (7.9 %) and Austria (9.2 %) were the only Member States with a youth unemployment rate below 10 %."

Without risk or responsibility

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