Saturday, April 18, 2015

Europe is frozen in the past....

Why Europeans have a reason to be afraid of things...

Europe is in the throes of anxiety, nay fear. Fear of the future.  "Fear creates its own fears which are more fearsome than fear itself."(Author unknown) 

  • ·         Saturday evening , Germans marched in Berlin, Munich and other cities, protesting the US -EU Free Trade pact - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
  • ·         Last week a lady showered confetti at Draghi, the ECB President protesting ECB policies.
  • ·         On the day ECB's new premises was to open in March 18, Europeans took out protest processions decrying austerity measures.
  • ·         In Greece, as in the more afflicted parts of Europe, the leftists seem to be on the ascent and the masses have been quite restive.
  • ·         All these are indicators of resentment among the masses. Rising anxieties at the future of Europe among the youth is spilling on to the streets.

Europe today appears steadily moving into shades of oblivion. Europe's big companies like Ericsson and Nokia are no more the  great  brands they once used to be.  Italians, (remember Ariston?) once reputed for their industrial prowess is faltering between scandalous politicians and declining growth. Europe's big airlines, representative of the services industry,  have faltered; Qatar, Emirates and Etihad Airlines with their latest big spaced aircraft have given British Air, Lufthansa  and Air France a run for their money. The Japanese cars have taken over the mid-size segment threatening to leave Fiat in to probable memories of another period. The European brands that are most reputed are targeted at high net worth customers ( Mercedes Benz, BMW Louis Vuitton).  China by contrast, has become the world's workshop supplying cheap goods to an aspirant middle class. 

Europe's educational system has been unable to attract talent as US or even Canadian universities do. Except perhaps UK Universities and some European Universities like Sorbonne or Erasmus, international students do not see these academic places as first choice destinations. The 'auslander' (outsider) fear among students is real both on language and cultural divergence in Germany for example. The American Universities, by contrast are seen by the international student as great place of learning and freedom of academic thinking.

The digital era seems to have a follower not a leader in Europe. The Europeans have been unable to re-create the industrial revolution era in this age of the digitalization. Its IT companies are largely less known for break through innovation.  Countries like India had seized the opportunity while Europe which really has time zone advantage has not been so swift.

Europe has been rather non receptive and patronizing to immigration. USA has , on the contrary been a net recipient of talent. Its Universities have always welcomed innovative brains. US immigration policies have been supportive of retention of talent to assist economic growth. Parts of Europe , on the other hand, have earned a reputation of shades of 'Teutonische Arroganz' in its approach to outsiders. At best,  there is an element of patronage of the less fortunate. Having earlier been great mechanical engineers and ship builders,  Europeans had been reputed to be innovative and  many several countries have prospered as colonialists in the bygone, prosperous days. Some of the economies have built the edifice of their economies on the drain of wealth from the colonies. These colonial flow sources have been dry for over 60 years now.  Old colonies like India have risen from the embers of colonialism to take up commanding heights of the global economy while Europe has to live on past glory.

Spearheaded by China and India, the fulcrum of the World growth has now largely shifted to Asia. The central banks of Asia hold trillions of dollars and Europe in their kitty. Given the lack of cohesion in thinking and the delayed decision taking seen in Europe, Europe is no more so dominant a power on the world scene. From Iceland to Ireland to Italy there are pronounced weaknesses. Fears of a Japan like fall into prolonged recession haunts even as there is dithering over Greece for nearly three years!. To be Quantitative easing or not to be took several months to arrive at a decision. It cannot arrive at any consensus or  alternatively, a bold decision over Greece. All Europe does is to contribute to market volatility over several years! The world needs to move beyond Greece even if Europe is inefficient. Greece is too small to matter.  

Europe needs to rethink its approach to men and machines.  It can survive, like UK,  only with transatlantic support. US remains a leader who is far ahead in innovative breakthrough technology. From Coca Cola to Google to Facebook to Twitter to Intel it is US brands all the way in relevant consumer markets. The Americans are affording an opportunity to Europe to still retain relevance. Europe is still frozen in the past. Like the ostrich it has its head in the sands.

Without any risk or responsibility....

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