Monday, April 13, 2015

The Manager in the Age of the Internet of Things

"This new reality in technology— called the Internet of Things—is about collecting and managing the massive amounts of data from a rapidly growing network of devices and sensors, processing that data, and then sharing it with other connected things[1]. "

On the Changing Role of Managers:
  •   The Manager (IoTM) has to be futuristic as the Internet of Things (IoT) is the technology of the future.
  •    He / She has to un-freeze from the past and refreeze to be technologically aware and digitally engaged manager.
  •        Developing technical competencies among the staff for the IoT.  
  •         IoT is about machine to machine (M2M) conversations. So the manager  has to have his / her IT skills upgraded. The manager must revisit his / her knowledge of operations management.
  •     IoT brings about enhanced operational risks. In an environment of geopolitical tension, the manager has to assess and address the firm's protective shield for a probable cyber attack.  The manager has test systems for vulnerability on a continuing basis.
  •  IoT brings about the challenge of security of systems. As the technology invades the corporate sphere, self regulation takes over.
  •    The new products and services of the future have to be smart.
  •    The market is trillion dollar. Great corporations have a technological, financial (read investment) and early mover advantages. 
  •    The manager has to assimilate the art of Multi Channel Brand management.
  •    The manager has to develop consumer soundboards from social media platforms.
  • The organization has to cope with the  shift to Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS)
  • The need for digital agility.
  • New content development on an ongoing basis. 
  • Information asset management.
  • Working profitability in an environment of cost reduction. The manufacturing costs for smart devices will be lower because of lower prices for silicon chips
  • Streamlining the distribution and management systems and processes of digital content, regardless of where it resides, is the first step toward containing costs.
  • Inventory digitilization and inventorizing digital content across the firm.
  • Ensuring functional growth. 
  • Cross team coordination. 
  • The shift to a sensor driven  organization.
  • Sifting through big data ; developing an analytic culture in the organization.
  • Using data for predicting in an uncertain world.
  • To be innovative and more to to be disruptor. 

Copyright :Jayaram Nayar

[1] Oracle (2014) : The Internet of Things: Manage the Complexity, Seize the Opportunity

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