Sunday, April 26, 2015

Make in India: The Need for Game Changers in Indian Education -skill building

1. An emerging economy like India  has to accept the role of Internet of Things (IoT) in  education- beyond information and communication technologies (ICT)  . With  the global spread of the internet and the attraction  that the web holds for the youth, education needs to capitalize on IoT if it is to seek skill development to meet the Make in India objectives.  The reach of technology should help strengthen relevant skills for the twenty-first century.

2. Education has to move to eliminate  the obsolete and archaic methods of delivery. It has to upscale conventional methods to integrate ICT with learning and teaching processes. Good teachers make good students. There is a serious need to put teachers in India back on teachers’ professional development. The purveyors of knowledge  have to be equipped with new sources of information as much as the learners.

3. New technologies must lead to teacher and student motivation. Capacity building has to be accompanied by objective assessment and an ongoing learner monitoring mechanism. Technology has to continuously  interact with the learner and the teacher over a range of areas. Accessibility into remote and sociologically , geographically or economically weaker sections need the support of technology.[1] There is an element of 'educational inclusion' called for.  

4. Corporates like Infosys seem to be waking up to the need to leverage on the technological shift to the Internet of things.[2]  Infosys is set to identify and incubate about a dozen new ideas that could potentially bring $100 million each and a total of over a billion dollars in incremental revenue annually over the next few years, as part of a deliberate innovation strategy . Cisco has advanced quite a bit on education in the scheme of IoT.  

5. The Government of India has to seize the technological moment. It must evolve an organized mechanism by which it identifies new Internet of education ideas based on artificial intelligence, school delivery automation and Internet of Things. The Government of India needs to have national policies in education encompassing::

 a - Big Data Analytic:. With the advent of big data, the accumulation, inventorying and interpretation of education statistics would be a key issue.  Student behaviour and  teacher value building all would be converted to data bytes which need interpretation from a futuristic and additive perspective.

b - Robotics- there is likely to be a dis-intermediation of human intervention in teaching in more routine areas. Subjects that need vast tutorial elements like mathematics can better be handled by artificial intelligence. This is likely to excite young minds and avoid monotony to the deliverer of learning.

c-  Internet of Education : Smarter classrooms through sensors measuring receptivity and feedback dashboards. According to Cisco, the increased deployment will affect  in many ways. The Internet of Everything (IoE) "is revolutionizing the way ... It's resulting in better, more reliable service, consumer empowerment and improved capacity and efficiency ..."[3] The Internet of Education has to capitalize on the digital developments. 
d - Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMs) – transfering information between the worlds of the physical and the digital.
e-  Nano-technology : Miniaturization of devices. As nano-material availability increases, miniaturization will thrive.  
f-  Working towards a cloud platform for the education industry.   
g - An ecosystem of partners   from education providers to technology providers
h-  Applying Mobile technology to spread education.

Countries like Taiwan, Korea are able to become leaders in the electronic industry but India has to cover a longer ground although it has more entrepreneurs than these countries, along with skilled labor force.[4] Taiwan, Korea and China have massive government funding of strategic industries. Government and corporates need to finance IoEd university research, finance breakthrough research, help in education patents,   and help in setting up a massive ecosystem for education.  

[2] Vishal Sikka's strategy sees Infosys shift focus to Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, Anirban Sen, ET Bureau Apr 7, 2015, 02.49AM IST
[4] India Insight, Ecosystem for “Make in India” does not exist: Rajeev Karwal of Milagrow
By Reuters Staff February 25, 2015

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