Thursday, April 16, 2015

US Service Sector continues to indicate optimism but manufacturing flat...

"The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s April 2015 Business Leaders Survey indicates that activity in the region’s service sector expanded following a pause in February and March.
 The survey’s headline business activity index climbed twelve points to 10.8.

The business climate index was higher this month, but remained negative at -6.9, signaling that, on balance, respondents continued to view the business climate as worse than normal.

The employment index crept down to 11.0, holding at a level that points to continued employment gains, and the wages index fell twelve points to 29.7, an indication that wage increases slowed over the month.

The prices paid index held steady at 41.1, and the prices received index edged down to 8.6. Indexes assessing the six-month outlook suggested that firms remained optimistic about future conditions, although the index for future business activity fell from its record high set last month.  

The April 2015 Empire State Manufacturing Survey indicates that business activity was flat for New York manufacturers. The headline general business conditions index turned slightly negative for the first time since December, falling eight points to -1.2. The new orders index, negative for a second consecutive month, dropped four points to -6.0—evidence that orders were declining. "

Our comment: Still mixed results... the data the Fed is looking for is still to settle in...
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