Thursday, April 23, 2015

Big Banks- The debits seem more than credits.

Deutsche Bank's twin towers in Frankfurt am Main used to be called Haben und Soll (Credit and Debit). On Thursday, the debit column went up a bit taller as U.S. and British regulators fined Deutsche Bank $2.5 billion to settle allegations of rigging interest rate benchmarks even as its British subsidiary pleaded guilty to criminal wire fraud.

How valueless can international, global banks be? Eight banks banks have reportedly paid $ 8.5 billion or over. 

Less emphasis on values within bank management circles also arises  from an overconfidence coming out of organizations being too big to fail, (TBTF). Senior managers know that regulators dare not touch them as the implications on the system of their failure are too impacting. This makes organizations value rid behemoths; and managers continue their  existence.

Without risk or responsibility

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