Monday, November 30, 2015

It makes sense to buy the Australian dollar...

The Australian dollar is gaining market confidence . The innate strength of Australia as a resource based economy helps, and there will be structural shifts which are already sending out positive signals for the economy. 
Australia's quality emphatic  migration policies results in  an increase in  labor endowment. This will cause an outward shift in the qualitative and skill intensive labour supply . The Aussie production curve could  shift  positively in favour of   labour intensity as a factor of production.  An example may be in deepening skill intensity Australian education quality is high.  Some of Asia's best universities are in Australia. In an Asian age, Australia serves the as a destination for the Asian elite. Given that the Japanese economy is in throes of another bout of technical recession, the Aussie is a good alternative.
The Chinese are quite fond of Australia and will keep on diversifying their portfolio into Australia with each rise. 

This blog makes no recommendations for investments. All views expressed here are without any risk or responsibility. 

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