Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Only cosmetic management at Deutsche Bank?

Source: http//www.ft.com/intl/cms caption

FT reports that Deutsche created tax avoidance strategies...

It may be technically right to have instruments like profit participating instruments where profits are shared by the bank and the participant client. The latter is motivated to bank with Deutsche to re-route money to avoid tax. 
The moot point is: Can banks have a persistent 'passion to perform' through  illegal or  by smart 'legality circumventing instruments'. Shareholders need to question  the source of the bank's profits. Exploiting a weak and developing economy like Brazil is as much a drain of wealth as a colonial pilferage. 

Creative accounting practices must be looked into by the Deutsche bank's home regulators

The views expressed here are without any risk or responsibility. The blog  recommends no investment or disinvestment. 

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