Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Yen a safe haven

As the Turks are drawn into a fight that may have no winners and what may eventually prove to be a tactical foolhardiness;
As Putin's new economic order of killing off  black marketing in oil and save Russian interests may just about see a price rise in oil;
As European allies seem caught up in internal strifes  from immigrants to Greece to fear of internal betrayals;
As oil seems to flare up with a possible supply constraints with an escalation in conflagration in the middle east;
As Switzerland still has European neighbours and an opaque banking system to overcome;
Yen looks a better bet. Gold may rise temporarily but cannot hold out against Dollar which will be brought back by a buoyant US  economy and also the ultimate return to safety; it is only yen that looks good. Then comes the dollar. 

Views expressed are without any risk or responsibility. This blog recommends no investment. 

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