Monday, November 23, 2015

Markets factor in an insecure state... eine erfahrung...

"Fear creates its own ghosts which are more fearsome than fear itself." (Anonymous)

Europe today, large parts of Africa and some parts of Asia seem now to live in fear. The Americas and Australias seem worried and anxious.Geopolitical situations seem to  trigger concerns.  Does that explain markets.  

Market players who see and seek  prosperity in peace are a bit perturbed. However, when financial city states are subject to civilizational decay, markets find new spots and levels. Trade cannot stop. Markets work 24 x 7. Beirut declined  due to internal strife but Lebanese businessmen have spread globally to prosper. Dubai grew in place. Idi Amin harassed Indian businessmen in Uganda but they proved quite successful in London. South Africa grew. Deutsche Bank was split up by the allies but it was stitched together by German business interests. So institutions and market people overcome temporary setbacks.

Big cities like Beirut and Brussels live fear. Fear is an experience ('eine erfahrung' as the Germans say) ; market players experience fear. Individuals may be scared but markets cannot be seen to be running away. So markets feel the immediate jolt and then proceed on. There is  too much is at stake. There is just too much at stake. 

Market players look only to profit aggrandizement. They are not constrained by any nationalism. Pfizer is buying Allergan for $160 billion reportedly to move away from American taxes in to a more profitable retreat in Ireland. Corporates have no borders if there are profits. 

Views expressed are without any risk or responsibility. This blog recommends no investment. 

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