Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Should be another quiet market day...

With Thanksgiving on, markets have time to observe. Light on investments, heavy on absorption. With hopes pinned by retailers on Black Friday and with some interest in the OPEC meet,it is a wait by the sidelines for trends.

In India, journalists seem to suggest Prime Ministerial unhappiness with the slow approach of the Reserve Bank of India. Traditionally, RBI has been in its Mint Street ivory castle where it takes pride in some intellectual tower window. That RBI window is largely price model driven. Sitting on the 17th floor of  the monetary castle, it seems oblivious of delays in decision making; of the labyrinthine knots of multiple regulatory misadventures. There is no financial supervision accountability fixed for Sahara to Sarada to 'blade mafias'. Despite such over-regulated zeal, the banking sector is under-performing.

Non-performing assets (NPAs) in the housing loan segment of public sector banks have shot up by over Rs 1,000 crore to around Rs 6,200 crore during the first six months of calendar 2014. - See more at:

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