Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Strategic re-invention of the US economy...

Falling oil prices is good news for all except oil producers.
The United States has quietly re-positioned itself. It has become a great geo-strategic force once again on the back of its technology and its oil reserves. Iran earlier and now Russia are realizing that the world can do without its oil.
Soon enough, Saudi Arabia which is trying to hold on to its market share will realize that it is committing price harakiri.
Its discriminatory pricing strategy will adversely affect it; selling cheaper to America at the cost of Asia will leave it with few buyers in the long run. Dubai will feel the impact of slowing growth if oil producers slow down.
If India carries its efforts at bringing money stashed away abroad, just as USA has been doing, there will be quite a few money centres and real estate prices shaken up gradually, if not suddenly. 

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