Thursday, November 27, 2014

Economic Impact of Ebola from World Bank

World Bank on costs of Ebola

The short-term (2014) impact on output, estimated using on-the ground data to inform revisions to sector-specific growth projections, is in the order of 2.1 percentage points (pp) of gross domestic product (GDP) in Guinea (reducing growth from 4.5 percent to 2.4 percent); 3.4 pp of GDP in Liberia (reducing growth from 5.9 percent to 2.5 percent) and 3.3 pp of GDP in Sierra Leone (reducing growth from 11.3 percent to 8.0 percent). This forgone output for these three countries corresponds to US$359 million in 2013 prices.

The short-term fiscal impacts are also large, at US$113 million (5.1 percent of GDP) for Liberia; US$95 million (2.1 percent of GDP for Sierra Leone) and US$120 million (1.8 percent of GDP) for Guinea. These estimates are best viewed as lower-bounds. "

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