Friday, November 21, 2014

RBI: conceiving but not delivering?

Recalling his initial days as a Prime Minister, Modi said when he asked how much time RBI would take to open bank accounts for 7.5 crore families who are out of the banking net, the central bank had told him it would take three years.
I asked the RBI, this work has to be done. RBI said, it could be done…as no one can dare refuse Prime Minister…but they know the techniques. They said it would take three years,”  (Prime Minister Modi)

RBI perhaps needs to rethink itself. A good beginning may be a holiday for RBI seniors' speeches and conferences; and possibly a cut loss approach to meetings; devoting gained time to rethink on how we can meaningfully work towards inclusion. 
According to a search on RBI's website  for speeches there were 70 speeches between February 7 2012 and October 14, 2014 which had the words financial inclusion  in them.

A search on 'Jan Dhan Yojana' did not throw up any results. 
No wonder why the PM is a shade upset. 

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