Monday, November 17, 2014

Japan rebound and Swiss Vote...

Japan is putting an act together to support 'Abenomics'. The Japanese seem to return to the markets.  Australia and China have entered a trade deal. There is greater access to the Chinese capital markets.  The Indian PM is also meeting the Ozzie PM ; and Indian banks have given $ 1 billion to the Adani Group for their coal mining in Australia.
 All positives for growth.

The Swiss, in typical European manner have voted against immigration and that should indicate a negative point for Europe. Europe is still living in the past and we hope are not frozen in the past.Asia and Americas are realistic and thus growth will bypass the Europeans. The euro has been rather high and is a millstone round a faltering economy. Unless the Europeans change  their approach to the economics of immigration, they may be left behind as costing (high wage europeans) and ageing (older demographic structure) will  push them back .  ECB is in its state of inertia

The US Dollar is doing well buoyed by the economy and gold will be pushed down in the struggle.
Mumbai looks good but one has to discount for exaggerated expectations. Wall street is on quite sober growth expectations.
Anticipation  for today:
Dollar higher; Asian and American Equities higher; gold and bonds lower. 

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