Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sentiments drive markets...Unreal economics?

IMF  and World Bank predictions drove markets down... German, China and LatAm concerns expressed by Washington's supra-nationals helped push the markets down...
In this fall, are the seeds of the rise. Consumer spending will increase as real incomes increase following drop in gasoline prices. China, India, USA and even Europeans will benefit.
The strengthening of the dollar will keep the prices of oil down for sometime.  Corporates will gain.
The problems of banking are however the main worry in the minds of Asian giants India and China. Loads of non-performing assets and recovery  worries haunt banks and regulators. If the Asians are able to smoothen those creases, Asia will pull the World recovery with USA. Cost heavy, close fenced Europe will continue to totter ... the question is not whether but when the cost heavy economies will decline and fall... If euro declines it reflects real economics...

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