Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Requiem for QE: Roses in December

Seven years of Quantitative Easing will phase out this evening. For long years and with $4 trillion plus, the Fed kept the World going. Bold generals of an inspiring Monetary policy which reminded one of John Maynard Keynes.
The stimulus program kept the USA, the world's largest economy and the others afloat.

There are fears that gnaw what happens when the Fed is quiet and the price curve moves up. US market seems confident at least on the retail front.
Fed took us through the Economic Winter. "Christmas comes at Winter time ; God Gave us memory so that we may have Roses in December." (Anonymous)

ECB and Bundesbank need to take a leaf out of the Fed's book on  how to manage a potential deflation. The other route is to go the Japanese way. 

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