Thursday, October 16, 2014

When Sentiments are geographically spread: a ratchet effect

Citigroup say there is a trillion dollar windfall 'stimulus' in the precipitous oil price falls. That means savings are possible; then  consumer spending should increase. However,  the equity markets are contemplating: falling oil demand means global  output deceleration ; and this has geographically spread from Japan to China to Europe affecting an otherwise recovering USA. Latin America has also been affected. Faced with a possible job cut scenario, customers will be on a lower ratchet - refusing to move up until there is a market indicator from some acceptable term....
The trend is your friend; right now it is a sellers more buyers less for equities. With IT stocks too failing , there is some significant  innovation or central bank action needed.
 It is parking in least risk assets that the investors are obsessed with. 

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