Thursday, October 9, 2014

Irrational fears knock at gold's doors

Irrational fears stalk the world market... investors then keep on knocking at gold's doors.
Gold is always a safe haven for families, investors and central banks. So it continues to stay in the news despite the low income streams. With the Fed minutes indicating slower action, and with a lot of pessimism on growth, investors swarm into gold. Investors are on a learning curve; it is the Japanese experience and now the European one which is keeping them flocking to gold. People are wary of possible secular stagnation. Chinese and Indian fascination for gold adds to the demand factor.
The Chinese economy is onto a slower pitch. Housing and retail markets have been slow. Some 40 industries are reportedly affected by the construction sector ; so the multiplier is weak. The Chinese authorities seem to be loosening liquidity. the second largest economy is however quite a safe bet with foreign exchange reserves at $ 4 trillion.  So worries can only be in the immediate near term.
India has been trying to gather the growth pace. With nearly 300 projects waiting clearances, growth is a natural priority for the government. So investment with all its multiplier should work well for the 1 billion people economy. Falling oil prices should be music to India's ears. As oil moves below $ 90, India growth story gets a push.
Petro-producers should start worrying as extraction costs are high. The Middle East looks set for deceleration unless its investment funds are loosened. Economies like Dubai, so dependent on extraneous factors seem suddenly vulnerable. Oman appears to have difficulty in extracting its limited reserves. 

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