Sunday, October 26, 2014

Is the RBI a tiger or an elephant?

" The RBI has 17,334 employees on its payroll but only 3,281 are executives belonging to grade B and above. There are close to 4,500 grade A officers. These and a few treasurers constitute the officers of RBI—some 7,801. There are 3,738 clerks and rest of them—5,795—are subordinate staff engaged in maintenance and other services. Clearly, the employee roll is skewed in favour of subordinate staff and clerks and this must change. Automation will render some of them redundant. Mumbai apart, Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore and Ahmedabad—out of the 29 regional offices of RBI—have a sizable number of employees. I wonder what they do. Still, retrenchment is highly unlikely as RBI’s employee strength will come down to around 14,000 in the next three years in the natural course with many employees retiring. If they are smart, the employees should grab this opportunity with both hands to upgrade their skills.

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Banks have to be efficient and smart; central bankers have to be more efficient and smarter. 

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