Monday, September 21, 2015

The Fed Reserve has to move rates up shortly...

The Fed has been kind to emerging markets and Europe in some measure,  It refrained from  adding to instability in the financial world when it restrained from any move up in the rate. First Greece (read Europe) and now China is  adding to the pressures on the Fed.

Te Fed,  unlike the IMF or the BIS is not a multinational institution. US economy remains and will remain at the heart of its concerns. The evidence that it is seeking to pick up on the pick up of the US economy is surely there- may be though in driblets. As the  data  of a resurgent US economy  is conclusive, the Fed has to but take note.   Therefore, it cannot but move up the rates.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas'  Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute, in its

Working Paper No. 34 (by William White) points out that 
'monetary policies designed solely to deal with short term problems of insufficient demand could make medium term problems worse by encouraging a build up of debt that cannot be sustained over time. The conclusion reached is that monetary policy should be more focused on “preemptive tightening” to moderate credit bubbles than on “preemptive easing” to deal with the after effects. There is a need for a new macrofinancial stability framework that would use both regulatory and monetary instruments to resist credit bubbles and thus promote sustainable economic growth over time." 

The Fed cannot ignore national interests. It will have to indulge in preemptive tightening. 

The views expressed are purely academic without any risk or responsibility. This blog recommends no investment. 

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