Friday, September 2, 2016

Case Study of a Smart Campus project (The Indian Institute of Science- IISc)

The Indian Institute of Science is developing an open, integrated and extensible Internet of Things (IoT) technology stack for Smart Management of campus utilities.

The IoT stack brings together:
hybrid sensing with physical and crowd-sourced sensors,
diverse networking technologies,
Big Data Analytics platforms,
Sensor driven utility management.

The project is  a "laboratory" to test and validate IoT research and technologies for India.

About 30 buildings on campus fitted with IoT networking and water sensors.Intelligent water management to take over for a sustainable campus environment.This will document water arrangements,   patterns in buildings and labsReduce wastage due to leakages (“drips”)Ensure quality & maintenance of waterMonitor quality of water on tanks and outletsAlert users on potential quality issuesCrowdsource to report maintenance issues 

IoT connects large numbers of sensors through the Internet
Allows sensing and data collection in real-time
Creates a feed-back loop,

IoT stack contains:
Sensors: Physical and Crowd-sourced sensors using Android App
Wireless Network: On the field to connect sensors with IISc LAN
Big Data Platform: Collect, store & analyse large data in real-time
Analytics: Algorithms for smart management decisions  

IoT applications are data intensive. 

Big Data platforms support such applications
Data arrives at high velocity from sensors
Applications obtain large volumes over time
Apache Storm ensures fast data processing
Hadoop/HBase for large data storage & query
Intelligent use of Edge Devices & Clouds
Reduce B/W, Improve privacy.

(Stack refers to the layers (TCP, IP, and sometimes others) through which all data passes at both client and server ends of a data exchange. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet.)
(Apache Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system. Storm makes it easy to reliably process unbounded streams of data, doing for realtime processing )
(Data ingestion is bringing data into your system, so the system can start acting upon it.)

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