Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Internet of Things -Who could spoil the fun?

Observant, studious; Unauthorized, illegal access to computers and data; seeking to'penetrate' the system; may have a psychological urge to so do. 
White hackers
Self claimants to relatively harmless: they state they are normally operation improvement biased; they try to examine operational mistakes.
Serious offenders, can cause serious damage to the IoT system.  Enters with the intentional purpose of obtaining unauthenticated access to someone else’s information and data.
Could access systems to deletes files, reformat hard disks at will; cause serious breach through pilferage; loss of inventoried information data; data may be irretrievable. 
Relatively minor players; not so harmful; (a probable group of possible braggarts; those who wanna prove they can).
Very serious offenders - Professionals who can comprehend, make and unmake programs; thieves of data; spies for profits; proxy fighters; invaders backed by real war-mongers
(Common among less developed countries; some segments of expatriates in the Gulf): they break into telephone systems - use phone networks to evade payment of  big telephone bills; obtain access codes; steal telephone , information; may use phone cards and access numbers in an illicit manner with purpose to transfer telephone conversation charges to other people. (See also collectors below) 
Paying oneself with others’ cards
Cyber crows
The financial criminals -breakers into computer systems of financial and banking accounts. Obtain numbers of ATM, credit cards and some other valuable information; may sell obtained information to other people; could at from multiple locations in a concerted manner
Collectors (codes kids)
Interceptors of various passwords, codes and numbers of private phone companies that have access to global networks.

Computer pirates
Breakers of the highest order; specialized in illegal cracking of protection systems of licensed software and then sell it at prices that are significantly lower than prices of the manufacturers. 

1.  Researching the Psychology of Hackers
December 2, 2015  By Martin McKeay
accessed on 21st  September 2016
2. Cyberpsychologist Mary Aiken thinks we need to understand cybercriminal motivations, while mentoring young people with tech and hacking skills
accessed on 21st September 2016
3. Who hacks? Who cracks?
Accessed on 21 september 2016.

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