Monday, August 22, 2016

The Internet of Things: A teacher as a Displaced Person

A teacher could be a 'displaced person' (DP)  under the internet of things as he / she is incompatible with the new connected system.
  1.  Customization incompatibility: Students need no face to face contact hours as students can tap online resources at their convenience. Computers do not ridicule, defer, or hurt. 
  2. Time incompatibility: In IoT, the sensors will alert systems on any deviation from parameter. The system will have predictive abilities to suggest solutions in real time. Teachers cannot match such reflexes.  
  3.  Cost incompatibility: Costs are saved by IoT platforms. Brick and mortar and human elements are relegated to robotic response systems as they have high marginal costs. In IoT, fixed investments are already made and capacity utilization brings down costs-  with every additional learner costs are spread.
  4.  Memory incompatibility: A teacher cannot remember all the things that a robotic system can. In volume and content, the teacher is no match.
  5. Analytical Incompatibility: Systems will analyse student records and initiate prompt corrective action.  The machines will be granular even as it is analytical using the Big Data it has at its command.
  6. Perspective Incompatibility: The teacher cannot compete with the macro approach that is feasible.Subjectivity is reduced. They are subjective and oft carried away. Machines are impersonally efficient. 
  7. Approach Incompatibility: Teachers use a broad brush approach which will be seen as a non – specialism, non- student centric. In the IoT approach, machines take over monitoring. approach. Continuous learning is possible. 
  8. Record Keeping incompatibility. Electronic Student Records (ESR) will make it possible to react to data in rapid response system rendered feasible.  
  9. Privacy incompatibility: Anonymity of internet should help the backward student raise queries and seek responses from the system and participants.
  10. Technology Skill incompatibility. Teachers cannot acquire the technological skills needed to be in world of IoT in a short period. Students are more tech savvy than the average teacher. 

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