Friday, August 19, 2016

The internet angst of the teacher

As technology evolves to the internet of things, human intervention might take a back seat. Depersonalized, customized, quality standardized, education of a higher order would be the norm. Class rooms may turn obsolete  or would be used occasionally just to assure a minimum number of face to face contact hours.
Big data and connectivity and sensors will drive the world.
The role of the teacher will shrink.
Students may welcome reduced lecturer roles as mobile applications or computer screens will not express displeasure of an annoying kind. Students can time and choose interventions of a studying kind at their will and pleasure.
Lecturers in all fields have to be computer engineers to some degree. Teachers who are not technologically proficient will be displaced persons. They have to be tech savvy to survive.
Quality manuals in education have to be technology based. The system must respond efficiently and promptly and without emotions.
Less of teachers, more of infrastructure. 

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