Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Through the MAS Lens : India and China

Monetary Authority of Singapore has released its report today which includes an international outlook. Some excerpts to compare India and China.

Q1 2015 
Q2 2015
** Refers to fiscal year ending March.
  • Private consumption, the main driver of the expansion in Q2, contributed 4.3% points to headline growth
  • The effects of earlier monetary easing and lower oil prices.
  •  GFCF also ratcheted up in tandem with the government’s infrastructure push, recording a 4.9% y-o-y increase.  
  • Government expenditure added to growth in Q2 with a 1.2% expansion.
  • The  fuller pass-through to lending rates would be impeded by banks’ weak balance sheets, which remain saddled with non-performing loans.
  • Meanwhile, foreign investors have increased their investment in India, signalling rising confidence in the economy. Foreign direct investment inflows amounted to US$19.4 billion year-to-date in June—a 29.5% improvement over the same period last year.
  • In particular, the computer software, automobile and construction sectors saw a discernible uptick in investment flows. All in, India’s GDP growth is expected to increase to 7.5% in FY2016, from 7.3% in FY2015, making it the fastest growing economy in the region.
  • In Q2 2015, China’s economy grew by 7.0% y-o-y, on par with the previous quarter’s performance.
  •  Headline growth in the second quarter held up on account of a 17.5% y-o-y year-to-date surge in financial services value added, attributable to increased brokerage activity, as the stock market boomed in Q2. Meanwhile
  •  Exports and imports contracted.
  • Growth slackened in secondary industries, with weaker expansions recorded by the manufacturing and construction sectors.
  • Against a backdrop of substantial industrial slack and subdued real estate construction activity, fixed asset investment (FAI) rose by a slower 11.4% y-o-y year-to-date in Q2, down from 13.5% the quarter before.  

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