Tuesday, October 6, 2015

IMF's World Economic Outlook cautions amidst a slowing world economy

We Quote:

  • Global growth moderate and uneven, forecast at 3.1 percent this year, 3.6 percent in 2016
  • Disparate fortunes between the advanced and emerging market and developing economies
  • Lower commodity prices weigh on commodity exporters
  • China’s economic transformation—away from export- and investment-led growth and manufacturing, in favor of a greater focus on consumption and services; 
  • The fall in commodity prices;  
  • the impending increase in U.S. interest rates, which can have global repercussions and add to current uncertainties.
  • Disruptive asset price shifts and a further increase in financial market volatility could involve a reversal of capital flows in emerging market economies. Further, renewed concerns about China’s growth potential, Greece’s future in the euro area, the impact of sharply lower oil prices, and contagion effects could be sparks for market volatility.
    • A further appreciation of the U.S. dollar could pose balance sheet and funding risks for dollar debtors, especially in some emerging market economies, where foreign–currency corporate debt has increased substantially over the past few years.
    • Increased geopolitical tensions in Ukraine, the Middle East, or parts of Africa could take a toll on confidence.
Unquote (October 6, 2015)

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