Saturday, December 20, 2014

USA and its geo-economic strategies

The Cuban development is another master stroke for USA. Cubans should help bring down costing computations on the input side. Cubans will be a new market. Politically it is telling on the obsolescence of socialist thinking.

By opening up its oil taps USA has turned the heat on Saudi Arabia and Russia and other oil producers. Saudi Arabia has used the opportunity to flex its more to the discomfiture of Iraq and Iran. They were just about to get going when this downward trend accelerated. Nobody talks of Libyan oil!

In its backyard the garrulous Venezuela is silent.
China despite being the largest market does not inspire confidence at this juncture. As Europe wobbles under hesitant economic leadership, Japan under decades of strain, USA inspires confidence in the investors.It has too much of technology  lead and too many innovative brains.

It might be a good time for US strategy and assets.

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