Friday, January 15, 2016

Deutsche Bank's woes won't go away ...Hesse applied to the Deutsche

Italian  prosecutors have now accused six former and current Deutsche Bank AG executives of collusion to manipulate the market and whitewash the accounts of  Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA .
Once again,  it reiterates that mere cosmetic changes do not help. Something is real rotten in the debits and credit of Frankfurt. It is not mere disregard for the laws; it is insensitivity of top managers to any ethical values as long as it makes profits. The rot seems to have crept all the way to the then top echelons. Profit aggrandizement appears to have struck at the very heart of a great institution.

Herman Hesse's Poem Traum may apply 

Es ist immer derselbe Traum
Ein rotbluhnender Kastanienbaum,
Ein Garten, voll von Sommerflor,

Einsam ein altes Haus davor 

Dort, wo der stille Garten liegt,
Hat meine Mutter mich gewiegt;
Vielleicht - es ist so lange her -
Steht Garten, Haus und Baum nicht mehr.


It is always the same dream
A rotbluhnder chestnut tree,
a garden full of summer flowers
 A lonely house before

For places where silence is the garden,
where my Mother had cradled me
Maybe it is so long ago,
remains no longer the garden, house and tree

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