Monday, January 11, 2016

China must still worry the markets....

There could be a temporary reprieve from the sale wave... but the Chinese winds are still south. None appears to be still  in control. So strains in the markets will continue with fall in oil leading the way to  volatility.

The mega investors are licking their wounds and might be very circumspect.  This blog views that that the best bets therefore continue to be:
USA assets
Japanese Yen
Australian property.

Sector wise, IT , bio technology and pharma may hold.

Tailpiece: Is the RBA defending the Australian dollar? 

Australian  foreign exchange reserves 
USD mio
Sep ,2015
50, 942
45, 673
49, 034
49, 272 
Source RBAustralia. 

This blog is an academic expression, it recommends no investment of any type and any expressions are without any risk or responsibility. 

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