Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Internet of Things -Who could spoil the fun?

Observant, studious; Unauthorized, illegal access to computers and data; seeking to'penetrate' the system; may have a psychological urge to so do. 
White hackers
Self claimants to relatively harmless: they state they are normally operation improvement biased; they try to examine operational mistakes.
Serious offenders, can cause serious damage to the IoT system.  Enters with the intentional purpose of obtaining unauthenticated access to someone else’s information and data.
Could access systems to deletes files, reformat hard disks at will; cause serious breach through pilferage; loss of inventoried information data; data may be irretrievable. 
Relatively minor players; not so harmful; (a probable group of possible braggarts; those who wanna prove they can).
Very serious offenders - Professionals who can comprehend, make and unmake programs; thieves of data; spies for profits; proxy fighters; invaders backed by real war-mongers
(Common among less developed countries; some segments of expatriates in the Gulf): they break into telephone systems - use phone networks to evade payment of  big telephone bills; obtain access codes; steal telephone , information; may use phone cards and access numbers in an illicit manner with purpose to transfer telephone conversation charges to other people. (See also collectors below) 
Paying oneself with others’ cards
Cyber crows
The financial criminals -breakers into computer systems of financial and banking accounts. Obtain numbers of ATM, credit cards and some other valuable information; may sell obtained information to other people; could at from multiple locations in a concerted manner
Collectors (codes kids)
Interceptors of various passwords, codes and numbers of private phone companies that have access to global networks.

Computer pirates
Breakers of the highest order; specialized in illegal cracking of protection systems of licensed software and then sell it at prices that are significantly lower than prices of the manufacturers. 

1.  Researching the Psychology of Hackers
December 2, 2015  By Martin McKeay
accessed on 21st  September 2016
2. Cyberpsychologist Mary Aiken thinks we need to understand cybercriminal motivations, while mentoring young people with tech and hacking skills
accessed on 21st September 2016
3. Who hacks? Who cracks?
Accessed on 21 september 2016.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Vacation de-stressed by an app.

The Internet of Family- Mamma is still the chief...

Will the IoT help my family efficiency frontier to a higher level? Electricity / other utilities would sense human beings around and usage so that energy / utility efficiency follow-  through auto-switch on and switch-off. Savings ensue.

Move your family efficiency curve to right thru IoT 

Source of Image: Wikipedia
As internet connects sensors through a labyrinthine web and as my egg tray (so also my entire grocery list) is linked to Walmart or Carrefour or BigBazaar, there would be economies of scale. There is the economic order quantity (eoq) possible for my grocer who shares gains with me. My family garners scale efficiency and obtains additional revenue savings streams. Grocer’s lists are drawn up by machines. Machines fill up trolleys at the super market to each member’s needs.

My children experience a world of foggy clouds and gain easier mathematical insights through usage of analytics. They practically optimize time by preferring the data based evidence. They know to reason and research. They are quieter: search operations keep them busy. Parents do not need to know all the answers. Robotics assists in knowledge support systems. My child is weak in numerics and is ably supported by the system through throwing up problems that make it fun to learn. Learning is updated and engaged in- on a continuous basis. Learning is as per child convenience. No complaints of a strain. 

Machines help monitor children activity. Any deviation from mutually accepted norms would be accepted to be reported. Mamma is the sensor board chief. System should predict and prevent catastrophic children waywardness as wearable report friends, visits or group movements. Family privacy issues need to be sorted out, without the machines at the dinner table...
IoT thus are means for finding out what really is going on. Machines would now accurately pinpoint the root cause of children experiencing study problems. IoT would help youngsters avoid unnecessary study shutdowns owing to tedium. Machines assume counsellor roles and give advice anonymously. Most absorptive times (beneficial for child)  and intellectual outages are documented.   Time slots for peak learning are documented so that students register better.

Asset management improves dramatically. I can travel safer- sensors guard my home. Unknown characters likely to intrude in to my domain are reported to me in my car. 

Cars seek stacking of drinks to eatables to fuel and oil.  Cars detect driver moods and road side obstacles - 360 degrees. Cars speak to each other and to garage gates. Tyre replacement is announced through a process of applying analytics which feeds on number of times and the severity of applying brakes.  Sensors detect fissures in the railway tracks. Travel route timings to airport are on demand.
If one has health issues like blood pressure or diabetes gadgets advise of variations which could be detrimental to the person’s functional abilities. I am advised on corrective action. If my sleeping posture is detrimental to my spine my bed informs me on lurking fears and probable hazards.
My pill box monitor informs me of a forgotten tablet.  My wallet informs me of dwindling resources and might elect to nudge me towards an ATM. 
In kitchen, given the fed data, it could ask you to add in more salt or spice depending on the observed data of consumer preferences.
Based on predictive abilities, my machines would tell me what would make my family happier.  All I want is my family happy. 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Recommended Readings on Internet of Schools

The Trends and Challenges Shaping Technology Adoption In Schools

The Connections Between Computer Use and Learning Outcomes in Students